Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Introduction Of "Capital"

This blog was made for our first assignment from the lecture of Financial Management, Mr.Jatmiko.

First before we explain why we choose the name "capital", We'll post some definition of the word "capittal" itself.

1. Capital generally refers to financial wealth, especially that used to start or maintain a business.
2. An asset or advantage: "profited from political capital accumulated by others" (By : Michael Mandelbaum).
3.  Any form of wealth employed or capable of being employed in the production of more wealth.

So from those definition, we want our group to give the "Asset" and "Advantage" to the other group through our presentation.

Our group consist of :
Alyssa Iriady / 17209
B. Yudhi Heryudanto / 17927
Yoenay Adi Josianta /